Paharganj (2019)

paharganj movie
9.2/10 IMDB Rating
Available in
12 April 2019
Quality option
480p | 720p | 1080p
Rakesh Ranjan Kumar
Main Stars
Lorena Franco, Bijesh Jayarajan, Neet Chowdhary
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On the screen of the 2019 movie Paharganj, viewers are led into the diverse and vast world of Delhi, the bustling capital of India. Named after one of Delhi’s most famous neighbourhoods, this film is not just a love story, but also a journey of culture, self-discovery and self-development.

Paharganj is a multi-dimensional film where the characters have their own history and goals. The story revolves around Laura Costa, a Spanish tourist, searching for the fun and magic hidden in Delhi. However, what she discovered was not always the best. When a man she loves secretly disappears, she is forced to face unexpected discoveries about life and people in Paharganj.

paharganj movie cast
paharganj movie cast

By giving a realistic view of Delhi, Paharganj does not hesitate to show both the bright and dark sides of the city. From crowded, bustling neighborhoods to dark and mysterious alleys, this film explores deeply into the lives of locals, as well as foreigners who come here with hopes and ambitions.

A notable feature of Paharganj is the way it showcases Delhi’s cultural diversity. From colorful festivals to religious festivals, this film shows that Delhi is not just a place of one ethnicity or religion, but a place of many cultures and traditions. The characters in the film are all part of this rich cultural scene, contributing to the richness and diversity of the city.

Additionally, Paharganj also highlights a number of sensitive social and human rights issues. From discrimination against foreigners to human trafficking, the film does not hesitate to ask difficult questions about injustice and inequality in society. But the important thing is, Paharganj does not stop at criticizing, but also motivates viewers to reflect and take action.

The strength of the film is not only the content but also the acting. The actors demonstrate natural chemistry and enthusiasm for their roles, helping to create vivid and multi-dimensional characters. Linguistic diversity is also a highlight, with characters speaking in many different languages, reflecting the multiculturalism of Delhi.

Paharganj is not only a film about love and loss, but also a vivid picture of Delhi – a colorful, diverse and lively city. From everyday scenes to unexpected discoveries, this film takes viewers on a meaningful cultural and human rights journey, leaving them with profound reflections on the world around them and themselves. their body.

paharganj movie review
paharganj movie review
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